April 16 : A New Capuchin Friary and Counselling Centre was inaugurated at Nitte, Karkala, on April 16, 2021 at 10.30am.   Fr John Alwyn Dias the Provincial Minister of Holy Trinity Province Karnataka, Rev Fr Dolphy Pais former Provincial Minister, along with councillors inaugurated the Friary by cutting the ribbon. Most Rev Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo, Bishop of Udupi Diocese blessed the new Capuchin Friary and the Centre. 

A solemn Holy Eucharist was presided over by the Bishop, concelebrated by many Capuchin Friars, diocesan clergy, religious and lay people. Fr Chetan Lobo, PRO of Udupi Diocese, preached a homily. During the Eucharist, the Bishop blessed the new chapel, sprinkling holy water and incenseing the Holy Cross, the Altar and the Tabernacle. The melodious choir was sung by novices of Farangipet led by Fr Joel Lopes.

A felicitation program was held in the hall after the Holy Eucharist.  On this occasion Superior of the new Friary, Fr Maxim Pinto welcomed all the dignitaries namely, Fr Alwyn Dias the Provincial, Most Rev Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo the Bishop, Fr Paul Melwyn Dsouza the Vicar Provincial, Fr Peter Cyprian the Counsellor, Fr George Dsouza Parish Priest of Attur, Fr. Dolphy Pais former Provincial, and Mr Sathish Panchayat Member.

Mr Sathish, Panchayat Member inaugurated the new counselling centre. Mr. Jeevan & Mrs Shanthi the donor of the land, Architect Mr Praveen, Contractor Mr Umesh, Mr Ronald Lobo, Mr Sunil were felicitated on this occasion with shawl, fruit basket and flower basket as a token of gratitude. 

Fr George Dsouza said, “It is good that Capuchins  try to help out the youth who are studying in Nitte college and contribute to the wellbeing of the youth and people of surrounding vicinity.”

Bishop in his speech called out the Capuchins to help the families of Udupi Diocese in counselling, specially the students, youth of surrounding vicinity in times of problems and mental agony.

Fr Alwyn Dias thanked all those who helped to build the Counselling Centre specially Mr Jeevan and Mrs Shanthi the Donor of the Land, Province of Foggia for the economic solidarity, Bishop Gerald Isaac Lobo for supporting the new venture in the Udupi Diocese, Parish Priest of Attur Fr George for all the support.

A sumptuous meal was served to all the participants after the event.

The members of ‘Kripa Kiran’ are Fr Maxim Pinto Superior, Fr Manoj Dsouza Director of Counselling Centre, Fr Sunil the Treasurer and Br Victor the member.

Report by Fr Stephen Dsouza, Capuchin

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