Oct 25, 2017: Heart diseases are the leading cause of death amongst men and women around the world. The heart is the most vital organ in the body and taking care of it should be first on everyone’s priority list. Studies have revealed that every year, more than eight lakh people experience their first heart attack, leading to other serious heart diseases. With statistics pointing to a very high number of deaths due to cardiovascular diseases and other heart ailments, World Heart Federation (WHF) is a ray of hope. It shares with people information on the health and diseases of the heart and promotes smoking and alcohol-free living, healthy diets physical exercise and living a healthy lifestyle. Keeping these thoughts in mind Vimukti organized Awareness Program on 6th October 2017, at Vimukti premises. Vimukti staff motivated the parents, women, men, youth and children who had participated in the campaign against heart diseases and strokes and ensure that we all live a healthy and disease free life.






With heart diseases being the key to early deaths around the world, it is important for all of us to know the reasons why they occur and at the same time be aware of certain measures that we all can take as individuals to minimize our risk. The growth and development of medical science and modern medicine can course help to bring heart diseases under control to a certain extent, but a few measures can make a huge difference against these conditions. The resource person Mr. Balappa Block health officer said “SAY NO TO SMOKING” one in every five deaths in the world is due to smoking-induced diseases, including heart diseases. The deadly chemicals present in tobacco considerable damage blood cells and weaken the normal functioning of the heart and blood vessels. Encourage yourself and other to quit smoking.






Watch out against obesity: obesity or being overweight increases the chances of dangerously to live a healthy life. Secondly alcohol is high in calories and regularly consuming it over a long period increases the chances of high blood pressure, thus causing heart disease. Alcohol makes your heart muscles weak, thus increasing the chances of heart failure.   

Rev. Fr. Dolphy Pais Provincial of Holy Trinity Province, Karnataka, exhorted the gathering saying to ensure that your heart is working fit and fine, get is checked periodically. ECG and Echo tests help you know the condition of your heat and help you to take preventive measures if needed to avoid a crisis. Fr. Sathish Fenrandes VCT Director said the World Heart Day is an effective and established way to make the world realize about the importance  of a healthy heart and encourages everyone to lead a diseases’-free life. The main objective of the program is to reduce the mortality rate caused by non-communicable diseases and by reducing premature deaths in the project are accused due to cardiovascular diseases. Nearly 71 stakeholders participated and benefited from this program.





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